Architectural Design and Models of Software Architecture

DFP5043 – Software Requirement and Design
Tutorial Lab4
Discuss and contribute together to answer  
the questions below and post the answer to the class’s blog.
Don’t forget to write your name in the blog.

Define and draw example of architectural design and models of software architecture below,

i.                     Architectural Design
ii.                   Logical View
iii.                  Process View
iv.                 Development View
v.                   Physical View
vi.                 Scenario

Group 1



                                        Architectural Design


  • Architectural design is concerned with understanding how a system should be organized and designing the overall structure of that system. 
  • A software architecture can be defined in many ways : UML&Architecture View Model (4+1 view model).
Example of Architectural Design

Logical View


  • A logical view, which shows the key abstractions in the
  • system as objects or object classes.
  • To provide a basis for understanding the structure and organization of the design of the system, an architectural view called the Logical View is used in the Analysis & Design workflow.
  • There is only one logical view of the system, which illustrates the key use-case realizations, subsystems, packages and classes that encompass architecturally significant behavior. The logical view is refined during each iteration.

Example of Logical View

Process View 


  • Deals with the dynamic aspect of the system, explains the system processes and how they communicate and focuses on the runtime behavior of the system.
  • Addresses issues such as :-
    • Concurrency and parallelism
    • fault tolerance
    • system startup and shutdown
    • object and data distribution
    • performance (response time and throughput) and scalability

Example of Process View

Development View


  • Development views are designed to be used while you are still selecting and designing your view definitions. 
  • Development views are not automatically rebuilt and during a rebalance operation, development views are not updated even consist views are enabled.
  •  Development views are fully editable and modifiable during their lifetime. 

Example of Development View

Physical View


  • The physical view depicts the system from a system engineer's point of view.
  • It is concerned with the topology of software components on the physical layer as well as the physical connections between these components. 
  • This view is also known as the deployment view. UML diagrams used to represent the physical view include the deployment diagram.
Example of Physical View



  • The description of an architecture is illustrated using a small set of use cases, or scenarios, which become a fifth view. 
  • The scenarios describe sequences of interactions between objects and between processes. 
  • They are used to identify architectural elements and to illustrate and validate the architecture design. They also serve as a starting point for tests of an architecture prototype.
  • This view is also known as the use case view.
Example of Scenarios


  1. thanks for this information

  2. great information

  3. Thank you for the information,now i can use the model for my project

  4. Amazing information

  5. This is a great article with well-scripted, engaging content that is full of original and sensible views. Much of your informative content is in line with my way of thinking.
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