Difference between Generic Software Product Development and Custom Software Development

What is the most difference between generic software product development and custom software development? What might this mean in practice for users of generic software product ?

Generic Software Development

  • Product developer own the specification.
  • Developer can be able to change the specification due to some other external change.
  • Generic product user cannot control the evolution of the product.
  • User can get application immediately.
  • Generic products are stand-alone systems that are produced by a development organization and sold on the open market to any customer who is able to buy them. Examples of this type of product include software for PC'S such as databases, word processors, drawing packages, and project management tools.
  • Example : Microsoft Word, Microsoft power point, Microsoft Excel
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Custom Software Development

  • Customer own the specification and it also controlled by the customer.
  • Customer is also involve, therefore for changing the specification, both customer and the developer must make discussion for the implementation.
  • The customer and the developer will involve in the business process changes and they will implement if both are satisfied.
  • The application will take some year for the process of development and it is not available immediately.
  • Example : Existek
Image result for existek icon

What might this mean in practice for users of generic software products.

  • For users of generic products, this means they have no control over the software specification so cannot control the evolution of the product. The developer may decide to include/exclude features and change the user interface. This could have implications for the user's business processes and add extra training costs when new versions when new versions of the system are installed. It also may limit the customer's flexibility to change their own processes. 


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