What is an Iterative Model ?

According to an iterative model, you can start with some of the software specifications and develop the first version of the software. After the first version if there is a need to change the software then a new version of the software is created with a new iteration.


Consider an iterative life cycle model which consists of repeating the following four phases in sequence:
A Requirements phase, in which the requirements for the software are gathered and analysed. Iteration should eventually result in a requirements phase that produces a complete and final specification of requirements.
A Design phase, in which a software solution to meet the requirements is designed. This may be a new design, or an extension of an earlier design.
An Implementation and Test phase, when the software is coded, integrated and tested.
A Review phase, in which the software is evaluated, the current requirements are reviewed, and changes and additions to requirements proposed.
The iterative life cycle model can be likened to producing software by successive approximation. Drawing an analogy with mathematical methods that use successive approximation to arrive at a final solution, the benefit of such methods depends on how rapidly they converge on a solution.
The key to successful use of an iterative software development life cycle is rigorous validation of requirements, and verification (including testing) of each version of the software against those requirements within each cycle of the model.
Advantages of Iterative Model

  • Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.
  • More flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements.
  • Easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.
  • Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during its iteration.
  • Each iteration is an easily managed milestone.
Disadvantages of Iterative Model

  • Each phase of an iteration is rigid and do not overlap each other.
  • Problems may arise pertaining to system architecture because not all requirements are gathered up front for the entire software life cycle.


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